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Health Policy

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Health and Wellness Policy

Haygood Weekday Children’s Ministries considers the health and wellbeing of our students, teachers, and staff to be of the utmost importance. Our goal is to ensure we are providing a safe and loving environment for our families and staff. Thank you for your partnership in helping with these endeavors.


Reporting Guidelines

If your child has a contagious illness (Covid-19, influenza, pink eye, stomach virus, hand foot and mouth disease) you are required to report it to your child’s program director immediately. For the Preschool, email Morgen Smith  [email protected] and for the CDC/Hut, email Elvie Montelus [email protected]. Thank you.

Sick Policy

  • Students who present with a fever of 100.4 or greater are required to be symptom free without the use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours before returning to school. If a student goes home with a fever, they are required to stay home the following day. If their fever is no longer present, they are cleared to return after a complete day at home.
  • Children experiencing diarrhea and vomiting will be sent home and allowed to return to school after it has been at least 24 hours since their symptoms have significantly improved.
  • To help prevent the spread of germs and illness, if a member of your household is sick, please consider staying home for a day to monitor and rest.

Please remember, we are a community at Haygood. We all play a very important role in contributing to the overall wellness of this community.

Thank you for your partnership in helping keep Haygood a healthy and safe place for care and learning.




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