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Drop Off and Pick Up

Drop Off and Pick Up

  • All parents, family members and friends must notify the director and/or a staff member immediately upon entering the facility. If you need to speak to someone in the office, we ask that you call in advance to schedule an appointment.
  • It is imperative that the child’s teacher is made personally aware of the arrival and departure of the child.
  • Due to the educational nature of the CDC, we strongly encourage parents to have their children in class by 9:30 am. This is when teachers begin the instructional time, and children who arrive late are at a disadvantage and can disrupt other children.
  • A late fee will be charged for each child not picked up by 6:00 pm. This fee is designed to cover the overtime pay for employees, who are required to stay until all children are picked up. We require that teachers stay until all children have left the CDC. The fee for late pickup is $2.00 per minute, per child.
  • Entry and exit will be through the digital access door on the side of the main church building. Upon enrollment, parents will be given a key card to access the building.
  • The carpool lane is designated for our half-day Preschool program from 8:50 am – 9:10 am and 12:50 to 1:10 pm.

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